Reaction Details
1.0Thumb+1.0Thumb+1.0Thumb+1.0Thumb+1.0IscS with bound sulfur+1.0Thumb1.0Thumb+1.0Thumb+1.0Thumb+2.0Thumb+1.0IscS sulfur acceptor protein+1.0Thumb+1.0Thumb
1.0Adenosine triphosphate + 1.0Dehydroglycine + 1.01-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + 1.0Hydrogen ion + 1.0IscS with bound sulfur + 1.0NADPH → 1.04-Methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole + 1.0Adenosine monophosphate + 1.0Carbon dioxide + 2.0Water + 1.0IscS sulfur acceptor protein + 1.0NADP + 1.0Pyrophosphate
  • b2530 and b3992 and b3990 and b0423 and b4407
External Links:
  • Orth, J. D., Conrad, T. M., Na, J., Lerman, J. A., Nam, H., Feist, A. M., Palsson, B. O. (2011). "A comprehensive genome-scale reconstruction of Escherichia coli metabolism--2011." Mol Syst Biol 7:535. Pubmed: 21988831